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Our Story...

   We are a hobby kennel located in Kent that enjoys showing our dogs and having the occasional litter.  As responsible breeders we strive to produce quality breed standard KC registered Staffordshire Bull Terriers that are of sound mind & body, that are equally able to function in show, agility or obedience and most important of all be the ultimate devoted family member.
   My love of dogs definitely began when I was very little and I spent my days pretending to be one. I grew up with a couple of Daschunds but I was well and truly hooked when, at age 10, I went to a dog show for the 1st time and stood looking in awe at the Great Danes. Over the years I've had various breeds as pets and I was in my 30's when I finally realised my dream of showing and breeding with Rottweilers under the Sagerhaus affix in my home country of Canada. It was while attending ringcraft with my dogs that I encountered my first Stafford, immediately taken by the loving and comical personality of the breed. Circumstances saw me relocated to the UK in 2004 and still dreaming of finding that perfect dog. I knew what I all round family oriented breed with the "big dog" personality in a much smaller package and my mind kept going back to those happy little Staffordshire Bull Terriers. I set out to find a show to learn more. In Western Canada Staffords are fairly rare and seeing seven at one show is considered a large turnout, but to attend a show specifically for Staffordshire Bull Terriers and see some 250+ was nothing short of spectacular. I was in Stafford heaven! 
   We came home with out 1st puppy, Kane (Cool Boss). He was a handsome brindle son of CH. Valglo Casanova At Crossguns with a fantastic, laid back temperament, he loved all people and animals alike. He was a favorite in the neighborhood and a walk wouldn't be complete without being asked to stop so he cold be petted. He especially loved kids and I can still hear them laughing while they pointed and said to parents "look, its Rudolph!" or "look, it's a wizard!" Trick or Treating. I couldn't have asked for a better dog to be introduced to the breed than him. Kane had a good start to showing bringing home rosettes and trophies and I had hoped to see a bright future ahead with our plans. In 2008 Jett joined the family & six months after that came Sugar. It was at this time I was granted my affix of ENGLADIAN (combination of English for the country we now live in and Canadian for the one we originated from) in our memories and our hearts. â€‹


  The passion continues......


Jett's passion for showing and thinking she is "The Diva" and this attitude continues on in her daughter "Kahlua", who was born in 2010 and Kahlua's daughter "Thandi" born in 2015. We also have Buddha & Tiva who are Sugars offspring. Together we enjoy travelling and showing around the country, meeting up with familiar faces and dogs. Most of all I enjoy my time at home with them and the antics they get up to........there is never a dull moment with a stafford! Every person to which I can ignite this passion for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier through one of my puppies brings me one step closer to fulfilling my dream......

All text and images are Copyright of Engladian © 

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