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Engladian Oughttabefamous

Black Brindle & White
Born: 11.06.12
L2-HGA: Hereditarily Clear
HC: Hereditarily Clear
PHPV: Unaffected
Buddha is our man of the house. Like most males he is the "Big I Am" on the outside but a Mr. Softy on the inside, having the super temperament he needs to put up with all of our bossy girls. He has been a very slow maturing dog but we are pleased with the outcome. He is out of Mishdar's She's A Sugarbabe At Engladian and sired by the handsome CH. Briganah New Moon. Buddha is a top sized boy at 16" with loads of bone to him, great angulation, bend of stifle and has lovely movement. As a stud Buddha does seem to put his stamp on his offspring.

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