Esp. CH Engladian Cool Cruisin " Diego"
Sire: CH Rotherstaff Black Tie - Dam: Fabrehn Cool Yer Jetts At Engladian

Engladian Cool Shaker " Piper"
Sire: Ch Rotherstaff Black Tie - Dam: Fabrehn Cool Yer Jetts At Engladian

Engladian One Cool Dude " Marley"
Sire: CH Rotherstaff Black Tie - Dam: Fabrehn Cool Yer Jetts At Engladian

Engladian Ruffin It Up " Manny"
Sire: CH Briganah New Moon - Dam: Mishdar's Sheza Sugarbabe At Engladian

Engladian Gran Torino At Roseini "Axel"
Sire: CH Maxsta Prince Of Celts - Dam: Engladian Sheza Teez

Chelmsford & D.C.S. Judges Critique
1st Graduate Class, Best of Breed & 4th in Terrier Group
Powerhouse of a dog, this black brindle & White dog at 20 months old certainly has strength, masculinity and substance. Wouldn’t want any more of him, but he has a presence about him, oozing quiet confidence and charisma. Strong head, well placed ears, good stop, large teeth with a scissor bite. Strong muscular neck flowing into a firm level topline. He has depth to the brisket and the desire width, body well developed. Well boned limbs onto tight feet. Liked his true movement, being parallel and driving.
Group Critique
A stallion of a dog, strong and muscular, broad masculine head, good depth and width to the body, firm level topline. Showing parallel movement from the rear with power and drive
* Axel is available for stud *
Bitches must be:
KC registered
DNA or Hereditarily clear of L2-Hga & HC
must have a current (within 12 months of mating) eye certificate.
For further information please email his owner. ​